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Pakke på farta er et prosjekt laget i forbindelse med emnet TDAT3022. Hensikten med pakke på farta å la private folk kommunisere med hverandre for å frakte pakker mellom dem.
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Working directory for our group in TDT4140 - Spring 21. The web application we are making is called sellpoint
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Nicolai / oving7
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Julie S. Meyer sin prosjektoppgave 4. Se team-10/prosjetoppgave 3 for Backend
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Oskar Gabrielsen / project-4-Oskar
MIT LicenseUpdated -
This is an image shearing app that lets you share an image from your camera roll however you like. This app was only built for the learning experiance
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A website to connect a Discord user to a Feide user and store the id-pair in a postgresql database for other uses.
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